EASME/EMFF/2017/ – Sustainable Blue Economy

Co-funded by the EMFF programme of the European Union

3D Research is a Spin-Off company of the University of Calabria. It has a considerable experience in the field of CGI, Virtual and Augmented Reality applied to the Cultural Heritage. In particular, the company develops systems and technologies for 3D digitalization of Cultural Heritage both for terrestrial and underwater applications. The digital models, together with other cultural and creative contents (text, audios, videos), can be used to enhance the visitors’ experience both in-situ (i.e. helping a diver during the exploration of an underwater archaeological site or a tourist during the visit to a museum) and ex-situ, to promote CH destinations and revitalize tourism attractions.
Since 2008, 3D Research has offered many services for galleries, museums and other organizations and private companies (3D reconstructions of more than 400 finds belonging to Italian and European museums, 3D reconstructions of archaeological sites, both terrestrial and underwater, 3D modeling, digital storytelling, etc.). The company develops innovative systems for virtual museums based on stereoscopic, Virtual and Augmented Reality techniques.
During the last years, 3D Research has focused on the underwater archaeology, developing innovative systems for underwater 3D reconstructions and technologies to help the divers during the exploration of underwater archaeological sites. These systems can be used both by tourists and by professionals, such as archaeologists and marine biologists. The company has also a considerable experience in developing virtual underwater visits to simulate a diving on the underwater archaeological sites using the most innovative technologies, like Virtual Reality.
Contact person: Marco Cozza – CTO
email: marco.cozza [at] 3dresearch.it
email address of the company: info [at] 3dresearch.it