International Conference MED2021 – Presentation of a DiveSafe paper, June 2021

Atldivesafe/ June 28, 2021/ Important Events, Uncategorized

EASME/EMFF/2017/ – Sustainable Blue Economy Co-funded by the EMFF programme of the European Union International Conference MED2021 – Presentation of a DiveSafe paper, June 2021 The Università Politecnica delle Marche (Nicolò Ciuccoli) presented the DiveSafe paper “A novel DPV as a holistic platform for real-time physiological status assessment of divers” at the MED2021 – 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and

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DiveSafe: participation @ EMD2019

Apostolos Gazepis/ May 16, 2019/ Important Events, Uncategorized

DiveSafe project was presented during a pitching session at the European Maritime Day 2019, which was organized on 16-17 May 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal. The European Maritime Day (EMD) was the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint action. It targets maritime professionals, entrepreneurs and ocean leaders. During the event, the project coordinator (ATLANTIS) presented the project and hold discussions with representatives of other related projects, for future collaborations on common fields.

RomeCup 2019

Apostolos Gazepis/ April 2, 2019/ Other Events, Uncategorized

The DiveSafe project was presented by David Scaradozzi, Arianna Pugliese and Laura Screpanti (UNIVPM) at the RomeCup 2019. RomeCup is a multi-event with exhibitions, competitions and workshops for schools, universities, research centres, Institutions and SMEs, with the aim of inspiring the new generations to study scientific subjects and stimulating them through robotics experiences. The 13rd edition took place in Rome from 02nd to 05th of April 2019. David Scaradozzi (UNIVPM) was member of the scientific committee and was in charge of organizing the “MareBOT”, a challenge for secondary schools on the design of marine robots. He presented the DiveSafe project during a talk for students and teachers, explaining how marine robotics can meet educational robotics and describing the blue careers possibilities. Furthermore, Arianna Pugliese and Laura Screpanti met students and teachers from primary schools, secondary schools and universities at the UNIVPM booth in the exhibition area, to tell them about the DiveSafe current activities and future challenges.

European Robotics Forum 2019 

Apostolos Gazepis/ March 19, 2019/ Other Events, Uncategorized

The DiveSafe project was presented by David Scaradozzi (UNIVPM) at the European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2019, during the session “Marine Robotics and Field Applications in EU: witnesses and TG meeting”. The ERF is the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe; the 10th edition was held in Bucharest, Romania, in March 2019. Over 900 European robotics top experts attended the conference. David Scaradozzi, as a member of the topic group “Marine Robotics” of SPARC-EuRobotics, was in charge of organizing the session. His talk was attended by researchers, professionals, entrepreneurs and policy makers interested in marine robotics and its applications.

DiveSafe: KoM meeting

Apostolos Gazepis/ February 13, 2019/ Other Events, Uncategorized

DiveSafe consortium kick off meeting took place at the ATLANTIS offices in Thessaloniki, Greece on the 13th of February 2019. The meeting was broken into two sessions, morning and afternoon. The morning session was dedicated to the overall project presentation, partners’ presentation, and presentation of the WPs by the responsible partner for each one of them. During the evening session, financial / administrative issues of the project were presented by the Project Coordinator, and the 1st Steering Committee meeting was held. At the end of the meeting, an action list until June 2019 was agreed.